
2018年11月- 至今, 博士后助理研究员,人机控制中心,中科院深圳先进研究院,中国

2017年9月-2018年10月, 软件工程师, WBS EMIoT 智能楼宇创业公司,悉尼,澳大利亚

2015年6月-2017年8月, 新南威尔士州中国学生学者联谊会主席 (CSSA NSW),悉尼,澳大利亚

Nov 2018 - Now, PostDoctor researcher in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sep 2017 - Dec 2018, Software Developer, WBS | EMIoT Smart Building company

Jun 2015 - Aug 2017, President of Chinese Student & Scholar Association NSW (CSSA NSW)


2013-2017, PhD candidate in Network Research Lab (NRL) UNSW; 新南威尔士大学,计算机网络,哲学博士

2012-2015, Master of Science in Signal & Information Processing Engineering; 西北工业大学,信息与信号处理,硕士

2008-2012, Bachelor of Science in Communication Engineering; 西北工业大学,通信工程,本科


2019, 深圳市孔雀计划C类人才

2013, CSIRO Top-Up scholarship for PhD student, CSIRO优秀博士生奖学金

2013, UNSW Tuition Fee Scholarships, 新南威尔士大学免学费奖学金

2013, CSC Scholarship for Doctoral Degree Program; 国家教育部高水平大学公派留学奖学金

2009, China National Scholarship; 国家奖学金

Academic Activities:

2019, Invited as TPC member in International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous) 2019

2017, Telecommunications Network Engineer, Professional Engineer, MSA, Engineer Australia